Joe’s Books

One man’s quest for a fabulous art object threatens to destroy all who seek it.

A current murder spree can only be solved by a harrowing return to the past.

Misfortune's Wake

Seeking redemption is one thing, finding it another.

Cast Them Dead

Murder in Hollywood. Even the conspirators don’t know whodunit.

Short Stories For Long Nights

If you’re smart, there are some jobs you don’t take. Of course, if you’re smart, you’re in another line of work.

They say when you’re dead, you’re gone. Seems that’s something else they got wrong.

One man’s obsession to solve a mystery threatens to turn him into the same sort of killer he is chasing.

Even in war, there is such a thing as murder.

Within every smart man, a stupid one lies in wait.

Adventure on the high seas, with low-lifes.